
Scientific publications

Hoban S., Bruford MW., da Silva JM., Funk WC., Frankham R., Gill MJ., Grueber CE., Heuertz M., Hunter ME., Kershaw F., Lacy RC., Lees C., Lopes-Fernandes M., MacDonald AJ., Mastretta-Yanes A., McGowan PJK., Meek MH., Mergaey J., Millette KL., Mittan-Moreau CS., Navarro LM., O’Brien D., Ogden R., Segelbacher G., Paz-Vinas I., Vernesi C., and Laikre L. (2023). Genetic diversity goals and targets have improved, but remain insufficient for clear implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Conservation Genetics, 24, 181-191. doi:

Nielsen E., Hanson JO., Carvalho SB., Beger M., Henriques R., Kershaw F., and von der Heyden S. (2022). Molecular ecology meets systematic conservation planning. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 38, 143-155. doi:

O’Brien D., Laikre L., Hoban S., Bruford MW., Ekblom R., Fischer MC., Hall J., Hvilsom C., Hollingsworth PM., Kershaw F., Mittan CS., Mukassabi TA., Ogden R., Segelbacher G., Shaw RE., Vernesi C., and MacDonald AJ. (2022). Bringing together approaches to reporting on within species genetic diversity. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59, 2227-2233.

Hoban S., Archer F., Bertola L., Bragg J., Breed M., Bruford M., Coleman M., Ekblom R., Funk CW., Grueber C., Hand B., Jaffé R., Jensen E., Johnson J., Kershaw F., Liggins L., MacDonald A., Mergeay J., Miller J., Muller-Karger F., O'Brien D., Paz-Vinas I., Potter K., Razgour O., Vernesi C., and Hunter ME. (2022). Global genetic diversity status and trends: towards a suite of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) for genetic composition. Biological Reviews, 97, 1511-1538. doi:

Kershaw F., Bruford M., Grueber CE., Hoban S., Hunter M., Laikre L., MacDonald AJ., Meek MH., Mittan C., O’Brien D., Ogden R., Shaw RE., Vernesi C., and Segelbacher G. (2022). The Coalition for Conservation Genetics—Working across organizations to build capacity and achieve policy change in policy and practice. Conservation Science and Practice, 4, e12635. doi:

Maxwell SM., Kershaw F., Locke CC., Conners MG., Dawson C., Aylesworth S., Loomis R., and Johnson AF. (2022). Potential impacts of floating wind turbine technology for marine species and habitats. Journal of Environmental Management, 307, 114577. [.PDF]

Leigh DM., Van Rees CB., Millette KL., Breed MF., Schmidt C., Bertola LD., Hand BK., Hunter ME., Jensen EL., Kershaw F., Liggins L., Luikart G., Manel S., Mergeay J., Miller JM., Segelbacher G., Hoban S. and Paz-Vinas I. (2021). Opportunities and challenges of macrogenetic studies. Nature Reviews Genetics, 22, 791-807. [.PDF]

Hoban S., Campbell CD., da Silva JM., Ekblom R., Funk CW., Garner BA., Godoy JA., Kershaw F., MacDonald AJ., Mergeay J., Minter M., O’Brien D., Paz Vinas I., Pearson SK., Pérez-Espona S., Potter KM., Russo I-RM., Segelbacher G., Vernesi C., and Hunter ME. (2021). Genetic diversity is considered important but interpreted narrowly in country reports to the Convention on Biological Diversity: current actions and indicators are insufficient. BioScience, 261, 109233. doi:

Kershaw F., McClintock W., Andrews K., Riet F., Caballero S., Tetley M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Hoyt E., Goldberg G., Chou E., Kane-Ritsch K. and Rosenbaum, H. Geospatial genetics: Integrating genetics into marine protection and spatial planning. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 31, 2440-2458. [.PDF]

Hoban S., Bruford MW., Funk WC., Galbusera P., Griffith P., Grueber CE., Heuertz M., Hunter ME., Hvilsom C., Kalamujic Stroil B., Kershaw F., Khoury CK., Laikre L., Lopes-Fernandes M., MacDonald AJ., Mergeay J., Meek M., Mittan C., Mukassabi TA., O’Brien D., Ogden R., Palma da Silva C., Ramakrishnan U., Segelbacher G., Shaw RE., Sjögren-Gulve P., Velickovic N., and Vernesi C. (2021). Global commitments to conserving and monitoring genetic diversity are now necessary and feasible. BioScience, biab054. Published online May 26, 2021. doi:

Paz-Vinas I., Jensen EL., Bertola LD., Breed M., Hand BK., Hunter ME., Kershaw F., Leigh DM., Luikart G., Mergeay J., Miller JM., Van Rees CB., Segelbacher, G. and Hoban, S.  (2021). Macrogenetic studies must not ignore limitations of genetic markers and scale. Ecology Letters. doi: 10.1111/ele.13732.

Chou E., Kershaw F., Maxwell SM., Collins T., Strindberg S., and Rosenbaum HC. (2020). Distribution of breeding humpback whale habitats and overlap with cumulative anthropogenic impacts in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic. Diversity and Distributions, 26, 549-564. [.PDF]

Montanari S., Kershaw F., and Rosenbaum HC. (2020). Feeding ecology and population delineation of south-eastern Atlantic and south-western Indian Ocean humpback whales using stable isotope analysis. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 30, 486-496. [.PDF]

Rosenbaum HC., Kershaw F., Mendez M., Pomilla C., Leslie MS., Findlay KP., Best PB., Collins T., Vely M., Engel MH., Baldwin R., Minton G., Meÿer M., Flórez-González L., Poole MM., Hauser N., Garrigue C., Brasseur M., Bannister J., Anderson M., Olavarría C., and Baker CS. (2017). First circumglobal assessment of Southern Hemisphere humpback whale mitochondrial genetic variation at multiple scales and implications for management. Endangered Species Research, 32, 551-567. [.PDF][Supporting Information]

Kershaw F., Carvalho I., Loo J., Pomilla C., Best PB., Findlay KP., Cerchio S., Collins T., Engel MH., Minton G., Ersts P., Barendse J., Kotze PGH., Razafindrakoto Y., Ngouessono S., Meÿer M., Thornton M., and Rosenbaum HC. (2017). Multiple processes drive genetic structure of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) populations across spatial scales. Molecular Ecology, 26(4), 977-994. [.PDF][Supporting Information]

Kershaw F. (2015). Understanding the evolution of two species of highly migratory cetacean at multiple scales and the potential value of a mechanistic approach. Ph.D. Thesis. Columbia University, New York.

Mendez M., Kershaw F., Palumbi S., Pinsky M., Ray C., Rosenbaum HC., and Subramanian A. (2014). Marine spatial planning 2.0: genes and satellites to conserve seascape dynamics. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 24(6), 742-744. [.PDF]

Rosenbaum HC., Maxwell S., Kershaw F., and Mate B. (2014). Long-range movement of humpback whales and their overlap with anthropogenic activity in the South Atlantic Ocean. Conservation Biology, 28(2), 604-615. [.PDF]

Kershaw F. and Rosenbaum HC. (2014). Ten years lost at sea: response to Manel & Holderegger. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 29(2), 69-70. [.PDF]

Kershaw F., Leslie MS., Collins T., Mansur RM., Smith BD., Minton G., Baldwin R., LeDuc RG., Anderson RC., Brownell Jr. RL., and Rosenbaum HC. (2013). Population differentiation of 2 forms of Bryde’s whales in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Journal of Heredity, 104(6), 755-764. (Cover Article) [.PDF]

Kershaw F., Waller T., Micucci P., Draque J., Barros M., Buongermini E., Pearson RG., and Mendez M. (2013). Informing conservation units: barriers to dispersal for the yellow anaconda. Diversity and Distributions, 19(9), 1164-1174. [.PDF] [Appendix S1]

policy papers and technical reports

GEO BON Genetics Composition Working Group (2020). How do Parties report to the Convention on Biological Diversity on genetic diversity and how can reporting and monitoring be improved? Policy Brief. November 2020. (Contributing author). Other languages.

Hoban S., Campbell CD., da Silva JM., Ekblom R., Funk CW., Garner BA., Godoy JA., Kershaw F., MacDonald AJ., Mergeay J., Minter M., O’Brien D., Paz Vinas I., Pearson SK., Pérez-Espona S., Potter KM., Russo I-RM., Segelbacher G., Vernesi C., and Hunter ME. (2020). An analysis of genetic diversity actions, indicators and targets in 114 National Reports to the Convention on Biological Diversity. bioRxiv preprint.

IUCN Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force (2018). Guidance on the use of selection criteria for the identification of Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs). Version: March 9 2018. 82 p. (Contributing author).

Sommerkorn, M., Suatoni, L., Strickler, S., Norris, S., Wenzel L.  and Kershaw, F. (2017). PAME MPA-network toolbox: Area-based conservation measures and ecological connectivity. Guidance document to the Arctic Council.

Kershaw, F. and Rosenbaum, H. C. (2016). Genetic analyses for the identification of IMMAs. In: IUCN-MMPATF (2016). Initial guidance on the use of selection criteria for the identification of Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs). Version: October 2016. 60 pp.

Kershaw, F. and Rosenbaum, H. C. (2014). Integrating genetics into the Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMA) identification process. Information document submitted to the regional expert workshop to test the draft criteria used in the identification of Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs). ICMMPA3, November 8th, Stamford Grande Adelaide, Australia.

Kershaw, F., Leslie, M.S., Collins, T., Mansur, R.M., Smith, B.D., Minton, G., Baldwin, R., LeDuc, R.G., Anderson, C., Brownell, R.L. Jr., and Rosenbaum, H.C. (2012). Identifying species and populations of Bryde’s whale within and across ocean basins. Paper SC64/SD/WP presented to IWC Scientific Committee, June 2012, Panama, Rep. de Panama (unpublished).

Kershaw, F., Leslie, M.S., Collins, T., Mansur, R.M., Smith, B.D., Minton, G., Baldwin, R., LeDuc, R.G., Anderson, C., Brownell, R.L. Jr., and Rosenbaum, H.C. (2011). New insights on the taxonomy and population structure of Bryde’s whale species across the Indo-Western Pacific. Paper SC/63/O19 presented to IWC Scientific Committee, June 2011, Tromso, Norway (unpublished).

Kershaw, F. and Ham, D. (2010). Climate Change and Marine Diseases: The Socio-economic Impact. UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, UK, 6 pp.

Silvestri, S. and Kershaw, F. (2010). Framing the Flow: Innovative approaches to understand, protect and value ecosystem services across linked habitats. UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, UK, 62 pp.

Heuermann, N., Bakkes, J., Kershaw, F., Kram, T., van Oorschot, M., Scharlemann, J., and Walpole, M. (2009). Identification and overview of available models. Chapter 2 in IEEP/Alterra/Ecologic/PBL/UNEP-WCMC (2009), Scenarios and models for exploring future trends of biodiversity and ecosystem service changes, Final report of the European Commission, DG Environment on Contract ENV.G.1/ETU/2008/0090r.

ten Brink, P., Braat, L., Heuermann, N., Bakkes, J., Kershaw, F., Kram, T., van Oorschot, M., Scharlemann, J., Walpole, M., Tucker, G., and McConville, A.J. (2009). Integration of the study findings into the second phase of TEEB. Chapter 6 in IEEP/Alterra/Ecologic/PBL/UNEP-WCMC (2009), Scenarios and models for exploring future trends of biodiversity and ecosystem service changes, Final report of the European Commission, DG Environment on Contract ENV.G.1/ETU/2008/0090r.

Campbell, A., Kapos, V., Scharlemann, J.P.W., Bubb, P., Chenery, A., Coad, L., Dickson, B., Doswald, N., Kahn, M.S.I., Kershaw, F., and Rashid, M. (2009). Review of the Literature on the Links between Biodiversity and Climate Change: Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal. Technical Series No. 42, 124 pp.

Corrigan, C. and Kershaw, F. (2009). Lessons learned from the regional perspective. Background document to the Convention on Biological Diversity Expert Workshop on Scientific and Technical Guidance on the use of Biogeographic Classification Systems and Identification of Marine Areas beyond National Jurisdiction in need of protection, 9 Sep - 2 Oct 2009, Ottawa, Canada, 9 pp.

Corrigan, C. and Kershaw, F. (2008). Working toward high seas marine protected areas: An assessment of progress made and recommendations for collaboration. UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, UK, 102 pp.

Coad, L., Corrigan, C., Campbell, A., Granziera, A., Burgess, N.,Fish, L., Ravilious, C., Mills, C., Miles, L., Kershaw, F., Lysenko, I.,Pavese, H., and Besançon, C. (2008). State of the world’s protected areas: an annual review of global conservation progress. UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, UK, 36 pp.

Wells, S., Sheppard, V., van Lavieren, H., Barnard, N., Kershaw, F., Corrigan, C., Teleki, K., Stock, P., and Adler, E. (2008). National and Regional Networks of Marine Protected Areas: A Review of Progress. Biodiversity Series #30, UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, UK, 149 pp. 

Campbell, A., Chenery, A., Coad, L., Kapos, V., Kershaw, F., Scharlemann, J.P.W., and Dickson, B. (2008). The linkages between biodiversity and climate change mitigation: A review of the recent scientific literature. UNEP/CBD/AHTEG/BD-CC-2/1/5, 60 pp.


Kershaw F. and Rosenbaum HC. (2015). Integrating genetics into the Important Marine Mammal Area (IMMA) identification process. Society of Marine Mammalogy Biennial Conference, San Francisco, 13th December, 2015.

Cattau M., Kershaw F., Mihnovets N., and Takahashi M. (2014). DIY: Crafting academic research for conservation. Student Conference on Conservation Science – New York (SCCS-NY), New York, 17th October, 2014.

Kershaw F. and Rosenbaum HC. (2014). Developing an approach for integrating genetics into MPA design and spatial planning processes. IMCC3 Focus Group 21, 3rd International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC3), Glasgow, Scotland, 19th August, 2014. [Appendix 1]

McClintock W. (Chair) and Kershaw F. (Co-Chair) (2013). Innovative support tools & methods for multi-stakeholder MPA network planning. IMPAC3 WS3F1A, 3rd International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC3). Marseilles, France, 23rd October, 2013.


Trudelle L., Adam O., Andrews-Goff V., Andriolo A., Cerchio S., Charrassin J-B., Clapham P., Daniewicz D., Diazgranados MC., Double M., Dulau V., Fayan J., Fossette S., Friedlaender A., Garrigue C., Geyer Y., Guzman H., Hauser N., Heide-Jorgensen MP., Jung J-L., Kershaw F., Mayer F-X., Rosenbaum H., Sallee J-B., Sucunza F., Vely M., and Zerbini A. (2019). Assessing the wintering range of Southern Hemisphere humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) using satellite telemetry. Oral presentation. World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 11th December, 2019.

Kershaw F., Avila I., Chou E., Curtice C., Gallon S., Halpin P., Heywood E., Jimenez Lopez ME., Kot CY., Nelson A., Puig P., Rekdahl M., Rice AR., Rosenbaum HC., Tetley M., Valenzuela L., Van Bellingham T., Waples K., and Williamson L. (2019). Interpreting multiple types of geospatial scientific information to protect marine mammals: A practical guide for decision-makers. Oral presentation. World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 10th December, 2019.

Kershaw F. (2017). A collaborative approach to developing guidance for marine mammal protection: North Atlantic right whales and offshore wind development on the U.S. East Coast. Workshop presentation. 4th International Marine Protected Areas Congress, La Serena, Chile, 8th September, 2017.

Kershaw F. (2017). Opportunities for reducing noise pollution through engagement with industry: 1) Protecting North Atlantic right whales during offshore wind development, 2) Quieting ships in the Salish Sea. Workshop presentation. 4th International Marine Protected Areas Congress, La Serena, Chile, 7th September, 2017.

Kershaw F., Carvalho I., Loo J., Pomilla C., Best PB., Findlay KP., Cerchio S., Collins T., Engel MH., Minton G., Ersts P., Barendse J., Kotze PGH., Razafindrakoto Y., Ngouesseno S., Meyer M., Thornton M., and Rosenbaum HC. (2017). Multiple processes drive genetic structure of humpback whales in the South Atlantic and Northern and Western Indian Oceans. Oral presentation. 2nd Humpback Whale World Congress, La Reunion, France, 4th July, 2017.

Kershaw, F. (2017). Towards acoustically healthy habitats for marine animal: an NGO perspective. Keynote presentation. Oceanoise 2017, Vilanova í la Geltrú, Barcelona, Spain, 5th May, 2017.

Kershaw F., Tetley MJ., Rosenbaum HC., Hoyt E., and Notarbartollo di Sciara G. (2017). Identifying Important Marine Mammal Areas using Geospatial Genetics. Oral presentation. 31st Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Middelfart, Denmark, 29th April - 3rd May, 2017.

Riet-Sapriza FG., Kershaw F., Rosenbaum HC., and Caballero Gaitan SJ. (2016). Using geospatial genetics to map and identify areas of protection for common bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, in the Wider Caribbean. Oral presentation. XI Congreso de la SOLAMAC y XXVII Reunión de Trabajo de Especialistas en Mamiferos Acuáticos de América del Sur y el, Valparaiso, Chile, 28th November, 2016.

Rosenbaum HC. and Kershaw F. (2016). Approaches and considerations for understanding connectivity for marine mammals using various techniques. Invited Presentation. Arctic Council/PAME workshop - Science and tools for developing Arctic MPA networks: Understanding connectivity and identifying management models. Washington D.C., 22nd September, 2016.   

Kershaw F., and Rosenbaum HC. (2016). Developing a geospatial genetics toolkit to inform marine protection and spatial planning. Invited Presentation. Conservation Campus: Training in tools and best practices of conservation genetics, for policy and management. IUCN World Conservation Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, 5th September, 2016.

Kershaw F. and Rosenbaum HC. (2016). Developing a geospatial genetics toolkit to inform marine protection and spatial planning. Oral Presentation. 4th International Marine Conservation Congress, St. Johns, Canada, 2nd August, 2016.

Kershaw F. and Rosenbaum HC. (2016). Geospatial genetics for marine conservation: safeguarding the resilience of far-ranging whales. Invited Presentation. 4th International Marine Conservation Congress, St. Johns, Canada, 31st July, 2016.

Kershaw F. and Rosenbaum HC. (2015). How genetics can support the identification of Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs). Oral Presentation. Society of Marine Mammalogy Biennial Conference, San Francisco, 18th December, 2015.

Rosenbaum HC., Mendez M., Kershaw F., Pomilla C., Leslie MS., et al. (2015). Complex genetic structure informs management of Southern Hemisphere humpback whales at multiple scales. Oral Presentation. Society of Marine Mammalogy Biennial Conference, San Francisco, 17th December, 2015.

Kershaw F. (2015). Understanding the evolution of two species of highly migratory cetacean at multiple scales and the potential value of a mechanistic approach. Oral presentation, Columbia University, New York, 7th May 2015.

Kershaw F. (2014). Addressing the genetics-spatial planning implementation gap. Oral Presentation. IMCC3 Focus Group 21, 3rd International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC3), Glasgow, Scotland, 19th August, 2014.

Rosenbaum H.C.*, Maxwell S. M., Kershaw F., and Mate B. (2014). Long-range movement of humpback whales and their overlap with anthropogenic activity in the South Atlantic Ocean. Oral presentation, IMCC3, Glasgow, Scotland, 18th August 2014.

Kershaw F., Mendez, M., and Rosenbaum, H.C. (2013). Advancing the MPA toolbox: Using genetics and remote sensing to identify management units and understand connectivity across scales. Workshop presentation, IMPAC3, Marseille, France, 23rd October 2013.

Kershaw F. (2013). Resolving weak population structure using relatedness and social networks. Oral presentation, Student Conference on Conservation Science - New York, New York, USA, 9th October 2013.

Kershaw F., Waller T., Pearson R.G., and Mendez M. (2012). The value of expert-driven niche models and historical records in informing the sustainable harvest of yellow anaconda in northern Argentina. Oral presentation. Ecological Society of America, Portland, Oregon, 9th August 2012.

Kershaw F., Leslie M.S., Collins T., Mansur R.M., Smith B.D., Minton G., Baldwin R., LeDuc R.G., Anderson R.C., Brownell R.L. Jr., and Rosenbaum H.C. (2011). New insights on the taxonomy and population structure of “Bryde’s whale” species across the Indo-Western Pacific. Poster presentation, 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Tampa, FL., USA, 29th November & 1st December 2011.

Rosenbaum H.C.*, Mendez M., and Kershaw F. (2011). New views on population structure among cetaceans in coastal and pelagic environments in light of current and emerging impacts. Oral presentation, 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Tampa, FL., USA, 29th November 2011.

Kershaw F., Waller T., Pearson R.G., and Mendez M. (2011). Ecological niche characterization of the Yellow Anaconda. Poster presentation, Student Conference on Conservation Science - New York, New York, USA, 12-14 October 2011.

Rosenbaum H.C., Mendez M., and Kershaw F. (2011). New views on population structure among cetaceans in coastal and pelagic environments. Oral presentation, 2nd International Marine Conservation Congress, Victoria, Canada, 17th May 2011.

Kershaw F., Leslie, M.S., Mansur, R.M., Ahmed, B., Smith, B.D., Minton, G., Collins, T., Baldwin, R., LeDuc, R.G., Anderson, R. C., Brownell, R.L. Jr., and Rosenbaum, H.C. (2011). Phylogenetic relationships among the Bryde’s whales (Balaenoptera): New data from the Northern Indian Ocean and a combined analysis with existing molecular data. Poster presentation, 2nd International Marine Conservation Congress, Victoria, Canada, 17th May 2011.

Kershaw F. (2011). Resistance seascapes for highly mobile cetaceans: Implications for open ocean marine spatial planning and policy. Oral Presentation, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology Student Research Seminar Series, Columbia University, 22nd February 2011.

Kershaw F. (2010). The socio-economic impacts of coral disease. Poster presentation, Reef Conservation United Kingdom (RCUK), Zoological Society of London (ZSL), UK, 5th December 2010.

Kershaw F., Corrigan, C., and Fish, L. (2009). Integrating spatial planning for marine species within the global network of marine protected areas. Poster presentation, 2nd International Marine Conservation Congress, George Mason University, Virginia, USA, 22nd May 2009.

Kershaw F. (2008). Integrating highly migratory species into high seas marine protected area planning. Oral presentation. School of Geography and the Environment, Alumni Seminar Series, University of Oxford, UK, 22nd November 2008.